We hope you enjoyed your stay in Utrecht and in our apartment. Please note that our check-out time is at 11 AM on the designated date of departure.
Before you leave, we would like to remind you of our check-out conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions is subject to additional charges.
When your check-out day is on Tuesday or Friday, we kindly ask you to take the garbage outside and place it on the pavement between 9.30 PM the night before and 8 AM in the morning of your departure day.
We would love to hear about your experience in our apartment. Would you be so kind to write down your experiences in our guestbook, so that we are able to keep improving our services.
We hope you have a safe journey home and that you will visit us again in the future.
To help with your check-out you can fill out and submit the form below:
Many thanks for your cooperation!